Financial Strength you can depend on.

Did you know that Infinity recently ranked 4th in the Top 15 Insurance Stocks within A.M. Best Indexes? A.M. Best has recently reaffirmed Infinity's FSR (Financial Strength Rating) and ICR (Issuer Credit Rating) of "A" (Excellent).

A.M. Best Company is a global full-service independent rating agency that measures the financial condition of insurance companies and health-care service industries. A number of factors are taken into consideration to determine a company's rating. The rating is a measure of financial strength and the ability of the company to meet its obligations to customers. The companies of IPCC have consistently earned an A.M. Best Rating of "A".

A.M. Best's Credit Ratings are independent opinions regarding the creditworthiness of an issuer or debt obligation. Ratings are based on a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative evaluation of a company's balance sheet strength, operating performance and business profile, or, where appropriate, the specific nature and details of a debt security.

Standard and Poor rates Infinity's Financial Strength as "A" (Strong). A Standard & Poor's Insurer Financial Strength Rating is a current opinion of the financial security characteristics of an insurance organization with respect to its ability to pay out on insurance policies and contracts in accordance with their terms.